Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Resolutions 2009
Personal Goals:
1. Stop fearing that I am a subject of a "Dear Abby" letter. To do this I will have to call babysitters (including the ones related to me) at least two days in advance, always remember the diaper bag, and do nice things for my babysitters.
2. Run a marathon--the Ogden one
3. Have a magazine published article
4. Stop obsessing over blogging. (Only check for comments three times a week, instead of four times a day.)

Mommy Goals:
1. Be consistent in our new "ticket system"
2. Play with girls at least twice a day.
3. Stop piggy backing. (Trying to do too much at once, like pretending that going snowshoeing with girls is about having fun with them and then getting frustrated when I don't get a workout in.)
4. Take a deep breath and have some more patience
5. Don't be afraid to live inconveniently.

Spiritual Goals:
1. Read scriptures at least once a week (I'm setting the bar low here, I know. But goals are supposed to be achievable.)
2. Be a kinder person-- don't just say what I think.


Kristina P. said...

You know what helps that obsessive comment checking? Having email sent directly to your phone, so you can check it at the palm of you hand every two seconds.

Stacie Marietti White said...

Yay for the Ogden marathon goal!! Leah, Amber, and I are signed should be fun. We should do our long runs together. I love that you have two blogs, and I love the living life inconveniently philosophy. You are a fun mom Stephanie.

Scribbit said...

Had to go and see what you meant by living inconveniently--it sounded so intriguing!